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   Men / Taku #285996 / Profile  
Taku #285996

Age: 44
Date of Birth: 9 May 1979
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 170 cm    5' 6.9"
Weight: 60 kg    132 lbs
Country: Japan
City: Tokyo
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Occupation: Computer engineer
Education: University graduate
Religion: Not especially
Marital Status: Never
Kids: None
Languages spoken: Japanese, English, French
My personality traits are: Reliable, serious, gentle, smart, amusing
I like these kinds of music: Rock, classical, disco
I usually read: Novel, newspaper
I like to go out to/and: Exibition, aquarium, zoo, park, hiking, fishing, etc.
My favorite cuisine: Japanese, Italian, Chinese
I like these physical activities: Travelling, hiking, cycling
More about me: I like two languages; Russian and French, since I was a kid because the both languages are so beautiful. Unfortunately, I had no chance to learn Russian, but I'm so interested in Russia
since then. I used to be a gymnastic player for 6 years and used to play soccer/football for 10 years when I was a "young". I don't drink any alcohol, but I smoke sometimes. I will quit smoking before getting a baby if I get married.
Age group of a partner: 20-35
My perception of an ideal relationship: I'm looking for a woman who can be a serious relationship leading to marriage.
I will not answer against very short mail like
one sentence or two sentences because I can't
get a serious impression.
Profile posted on:
Mon Jun 1 01:04:12 2015 (Moscow time) Edit


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